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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  July 15, 2011 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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answered. thanks for joining us for this special "on the record". don'torget to go to gret to share your thoughts about this show. secone factor." >> the o'reilly factor is on. tonight -- >> if washington operates as usual and can't get anything done let's at least avert armageddon. >> we are in the fourth quarter and i think it is time for the democrats to get serious. >> the showdown in washington continues on the debt ceiling debate. who will blink first? we will analyze today's events. >> to raise any debt ceiling would be dependent upon cutting, capping and balancing the budget. >> these politicians don't get it. we can't keep raising the debt ceiling. >> and how are republican presidential candidates handling the debt situation? governor mike huckabee will be here to analyze the contenders.
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>> why did you do this? >> chris brown did come in with his lawyer. >> more than 18,000 people have been waiting for their are superstar chris brown. >> and why did mtv give a platform to the woman-beating felon, chris brown? >> caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. >> hi, i'm laura ingram, in tonight for bill o'reilly. thanks for joining us. >> you have 80% of the american people who support a balanced approach. 80% of the american people support an approach that includes revenues and includes
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is cuts. so the notion that somehow the american people aren't sold is not the problem. the problem is members of congress are dug in idealogically into various positions because they boxed themselves in with previous statements. >> here is the problem with that. a brand new rasmussen poll shows that only 34% of voters think a tax hike should be part of the solution. 55% say, washington, should not raise taxes. but president obama has the audacity to say it is republicans that are out of touch. >> my hope is that they are listening not just to lobbyists or special interests here in washington but also listening to the american people. it turns out poll, after poll, many done by your organizations show that it is not just democrats who think we need to take a balanced approach, it is republicans as well.
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>> one more fact check. according to the latest gallup poll, americans by almost a 2-1 margin want their member of congress to vote against raising the debt ceiling. and by the way, the president refused to offer a single serious solution to the entitlements problem like social security and medicare and told the gop not to listen to special interests. you just heard him say that. right before he gave a plug to one of the biggest lobbyist groups in washington. >> i'm going to be turning 50 in a week so i'm starting to think a little bit more about medicare eligibility. i'm going to get my a.a.r.p. card soon and the discounts. >> they are not a special interest. so going into the weekend who has the upper hand here. joining us now from washington, fox news contributor steven hayes and dr. caroline heldman a politics professor. joining us from new orleans. you started off here. i love it when the president
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says well, we need a balanced approach and that includes revenue and deficit reduction. well, when says revenue, steve, what is he talking about? >> he is talking about taxes. i mean i actually found this quite humor yoous today and was laughing out loud. he says republicans in washington need to better understand what grass roots republicans want them to raise taxes. when is the last time any grass roots republicans were begging, washington, to raise taxes? as you pointed out the polls point completely in the other direction rather decisively. >> do you think that much new was said by the president today? he made a big point of saying we are going to take the day off from the debt talks because it is so important and the sky is almost falling but we can take the day off. then he goes out there and pretty much to me he said the same thing he said on monday shared sacrifice and republicans are dug in to
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idealogically. anything new here? >> both sides were spending as much as they possibly could. i would say even according to the rasmussen poll, two thirds of americans want the cuts and tax increases. gallup, the number goes up to 75%. what president obama was saying and he is right a vast majority of americans want to see both >> steven, you jump in there. ha is not how i read gallup. i looked at the reporting and analysis of gallup and rasmussen and seems to be spun two different ways. what is the scoop here? >> depends on what poll you read and what they are talking about. this has been the spin from the white house is that every single poll is suggesting that people want their taxes raised. i don't think it is true. the president was on defensive today for another reason. he is on the record assaying this it 2009 that you shouldn't
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raise taxes in a fragile economy. he said it would be the last thing you would want to do. here he is making a case right now with anemic economic growth, unemployment rising, that we should be raising taxes. that is not a very convincing argument. i think that is why he was making the argument he was making. >> 34% ras us rasmussen say the should have tax increases as as part of the debt solution. the president invited everyone to come to camp david this weekend. nancy pelosi took a pass and boehner took a pass. to me it looks like macaroni man. throwing everything against the wall hoping that it sticks and nothing is sticking. not getting traction within the democratic caucus. has the president offered a serious alternative to entitlement reform which we all know is the lions if share of
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this problem. >> the average american wants to see 75% addressed through cuts and 25% through taxes. it is 80% cuts and 20% tax increases proposed. he has offered a reasonable plan. he is not the one being unreasonable right now and this is not politics as usual. politics as usual is long compromise but because folks signed on to grover norquist no new taxes. >> it's grover? >> it's their problem for boxing themselves in when we need an important tool to get out of economic recovery. >> and tool, we can do simple math on the show. the tool is to what bridge the deficit gap? >> it's both cutting -- >> this is a numbers game in the end and we know the analysis of giving a huge tax increase, even 5%. that is kind of a minimal tax increase according to democrats to the upper indom earners.
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we know on this show that is a drop in the bucket on a $14.3 trillion deficit but it does do one thing, vests more power and more money back in washington, d.c. which we have seen has thrown money down a rat hole for the past two or three decades frankly when you look at this. steven, you can chime in here. tax increase doesn't get us out of this mess. >> doesn't get you out. doesn't get you close. the question i would have is of the 80% that the president supposedly wan wants in spendig cuts what are the specifics on that and the specific entitlement reform that he is proposing? unanimously in the senate having voted for the paul ryan budget. they are on the record voting for entitlement reform in a way that we all know was politically perilous. >> that is voodoo economics. we are seeing the mainstreaming by extreme republicans of view do economics of cutting taxes on the corporations and the wealthy and increasing taxes.
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>> that is not what i asked you. >> you didn't ask me anything. >> you need to list and little better. >> that is incredibly patronizing, president obama. >> don't say things that aren't true and i won't be patronizing. which specific reform has the president of the united states proprosed? which one? name one. you can't. >> nobody has provided specifics but he has provided the 80% in cuts. 80%. he is looking at altering medicare and altering social security. >> 80% a not a specific proposal. >> and caroline and steve, we appreciate both of you joining us. the more specific we can get in the arguments and in the analysis the better off we can be including from the white house and capitol hill. we appreciate it, guys. coming up next, president obama warns of economic armageddon unless congress forces taxpayers to take on trillions more in debt. is that really true? why did the today aol for broadband pre-racpzpz/sçiñú
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are you buying what the president is selling when it comes to the debt ceiling debate? on the one hand, mr. obama is saying that we face economic armageddon if we don't meet the deadline on the debt but on the other hand sesaying this.
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>> we don't have to do anything radical to solve this problem. we are not grease. greece. we are not portugal. it turns out that our problem is we cut taxes without paying for them over the last decade. we ended up instituting new programs like a prescription drug program for seniors that was not paid for. we fought two wars. we didn't pay for them. >> of course, the president would never think that raising taxes in an economic recession is radical. joining us from washington is a.b. stoddard, the associate editor at the hill. great to see you. now, the president made an interesting comment there because we heard geithner earlier in the week saying we had no time left. larry somers painting this horrific picture if the yates defaults after august 2. yet the president tried to reassure the public as well. what is going on here.
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>> you might not like his use of the worded armageddon. may not have been the best phrase to use. i think what he is trying to do is let americans know and went into some detail today about the fact that interest rates could spike. borrowing would screech to a halt. it would be like a tax increase on all of us. consumers would run and hide. more jobs would be lost. these are really the facts that default could bring and republican leaders are telling their own members this. in fact, they did so today on the house side. they had a presentation about the effects of default for all of the members to hear one more time. they have been doing it for months. i think the consequences of default are terrifying. i think they are trying to get the american public engaged. >> let me jump in here, a.b. but at the samepunishment at time said we got here because we gave people a tax cut that wasn't paid for. we just got through of putting $1.2 trillion into debt. we put that into this healthcare bill.
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that wasn't paid for. we put an enormous amount of money into the stimulus. that didn't work. we have all of this other money going out the window. the child nutrition bill, $6 billion. billions of dollars for the other green job initiatives and so forth. was any of that paid for? the tax cuts are the reason we are $14 trillion in debt? >> i was not surprised that he mentioned a bunch of bush programs. >> blaming bush, that is my point. >> he did mention the stimulus. he failed to mention healthcare. didn't mention the tarp was almost the same amount as the stimulus in the the fall of 2008, almost $800 billion as well. this is a lot of money and this has all gone out the door and none is coming in and this is true. i think what he was saying about -- you know,. >> he is saying this for political reasons, is he not? >> of course, he is. he came to the table. >> scaring the elderly. >> he came to the table late. he asked for a clean increase
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in the debt ceiling in april. people who are only tuning in now don't know that. that is the problem. really truly he is winning the spin war. if republicans don't start voting in the house next next week and finally decide to do so they will look like they can't govern and the president will take to the mikes day after day. >> i might have agreed with you a week ago. i'm not sure i agree with you now. the republicans come out before the president and they are moving fast anded furious on the cut, cap and balance push. >> it is about time. all week they said nothing about the house. >> paul ryan actually offered a plan. the president dismissed him and personally dissed him the time that he stood before him and spoke in my mind, it was ridiculously disrespectful to the one man who had the guts to put forth epititlement renorm in the overall budget bill. the president is basically saying give me proprosals. >> you are asking if it is political. the president had six opportunities
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from decembec until now. if you are just tune in as an american worried about paying their mortgage and you see him taking to the mike day-after-day saying we can do this is t. as shared sacrifice and the other side is saying it's my way report highway and leaders saying we are not going to default, it doesn't look good. it is good that they will have a vote in the house on monday. it is about time. they have to start voting on something. >> open the doors to the negotiations. let the people say what you are seeing behind closed doors. >> that would be a good idea. $1.92 on average9 touchdown on when the president came into office. that tax has gone into effect years ago. we would like you to vote in our bill o'reilly .com poll. do you believe the economy is going to be harmed if a debt deal is not reached yes or no. bill will give you the results next week.
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and directly ahead. rewarding celebrities who behave badly. rapper chris brown a huge platform today even though he is a convicted woman beater who liberally uses the n, the c, the s, the f and all of the other words that we shouldn't be saying. and allen colmes and i will verizon claims i 4g lte is twi as fast as &t. we're putting them to the test against the speed of a rescue unit. go ! they're downloading a music album. the first network to finish gets rescued.
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does your phone know that we're racing ? done ! verizon's done ! i've got seven left ! the fastest networin america. verizon. built so you can rule the air. now powering the lg revolution.
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in the personal story seth tonight, in my brand new book i satirize and expos the cultural rot eating away at american society. think about this, charlie sheen and eminem. and the new music sensation whose get sleezy tour is raking in millions. you may remember chris brown
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pleaded guilty to beating his then girlfriend rihanna in 1999. sane americans were disgusted by his violent behavior but that did not stop him from getting top billing this morning on "the today show." >> ladies and gentlemen, here he is, chris brown. ♪ ♪ everybody put your hands in the air now ♪ >> is that actually singing? we decided to send the factor producer dan bank over are to nbc to talk with some of the chris brown fans. >> are you concerned at all with what he did to rihanna? >> do you see my face? i ain't even worried about that. >> you don't believe the police reports? >> no. >> why did chris -- >> i don't believe it was like that bad and i believe that she probably sparked the situation. >> just want to show you this one picture because here is a
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picture of rihanna after the incident and i have never seen a picture of chris brown where it showed that he had any sort of injuries that are anywhere close to this. >> i feel bad that this situation happened. my advice, she should have walked out the car. >> do you think at all that you are rewarding bad behavior by staying out here? >> maybe, maybe so. >> at least an honest answer. >> with us to analyze all this, a fox news contributor. and cooper lawrence, author of the book the cult of celebrityity. how appropriate today. a couple of nieds ago my collaborator and i were going down 48th street in manhattan and we thought this is weird all these people sleeping in the street and i thought my gosh the economy is bad. a line of people sleeping in the streets. i couldn't believe it. they were camping out two nights early to see chris brown.
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whatever you think of his music, chris brown beat his girlfriend to a pulp. uses the n word, the c word, the s word, the f ford, some of the most degrading lyrics in his songs. yet he is treated like royalty, bestope, whatever the pest athat willgy is on the today show. jump in here. >> and uses the h word, haters, stop hating on me. and has no understanding he needed to be accountable for his actions. watching that video is sad to see those young women not being able to recognize he is giving i think all celebrities a bad rap. really focused on the church of me and there are others whether it is paris hilton or keisha. >> that is a great word, narcissism. >> they focus on the church of me but also i think in chris brown's example a prime example of the black entertainment
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complex not holding him accountable. >> how about the white entertainment complex? everyone. and nbc. the anchors at nbc, they are great parents and good people. i'm sure they wouldn't let their kids go around using this language. i guess the executives at nbc thought they are going to get 18,000 people camping out. this is why i wrote this book. >> i'm not here too defend chris brown but i want to explain what is going on in the culture. there is two main things going on. one we make the social comparisons and do the. >> group and out group things and once we decide someone is in the in group we are unwilling to see what is blatant. you showed that picture of picture of what rihanna looked like. i don't think that is her, what did she do to instigate that. the blind faith that people have in the celebrities once they decide they are in the in group. >> is that the family allowing the filth into the ear buds.
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>> that is what celebrity has become. a lot of people we talk to are kids. >> spending time and money. >> with screens. >> the illusion of intimacy it is called. >> the more he is give and platform. >> what does it say to people? >> the less accountable that people will be able to hold him. he is able to walk away from it. >> it gives a back example and perpetuates a stereo type. >> of the african americans, too. >> absolutely. >> african americans are give and bad rap. i can't read most of thistlier thistlierics. little n word bigger than gorilla because i'm killing every blank n word that try to be on my s word. how is this good for any one? including him. and i actually feel bad for him. i don't know what happened to him or if he got messed up with
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bad entertainment managers or a family thing. underneath it all might be a man of great talent but he needs help and we shouldn't be giving him the platform. >> you are brilliant saying the church of me. i wish you would have asked these people how religious are you. the less religious you are the more likely to worship a celebrity. >> let's talk about keisha. saying i came from a conservative national family but now i want to tell everyone to be themselves. on her get sleezy tour she invites men p into her trailer and takes pictures of her private parts and posts them on the wall of the trailer as little photographic trophies. young women, this is your culture. this cuts across every age group. younger. 30 somethings. 20 somethings. teens in guesting this stuff on a daily basis. kesha. what goes on. this goes on in the united
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states. >> i'm not a fan of censorship. who gave her the record contract. why aren't more women like taylor swift given an opportunity. >> she has a big recorded contract. >> i think there are institutions benefiting off promoting this type of behavior. >> the family is what is not involved here. i can't read you most of lyrics in these songs. whether it is cee lo green. the f word is in every song. enrique iglesias. his is i want to blank you tonight. how do you go from to all the girls i loved before to i want to blank you tonight. we wonder why kids are so depressed today. teen suicide and dropout rate. we think everyone is self-actualizing and being themselves and jamu, you can take it away here. to me, i think we to admit.
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we can laugh at it and some is funny but a lot of it is starkly degrading. >> i definitely think there is a celebration of bad behavior and some accountability that the mediaen city tuck institute to take for it. unfortunately, these are the role models and what is representing the millenniumal generation. >> do they know the recipient of the latest medal of honor? >> think of all of the young men and women who are fighting on the frontlines who are doing so much for the service. >> they don't get the platform. >> they don't have three million twitter followers. >> we can do better. i think we can all conclude that. thanks so much, ladies. plenty more ahead. coming up, allan colmes is trying to try to convince us that american culture is not in decline. and later how should republican candidates handle the debt ceiling debate?
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mike huckabee will stop by with
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continuing with the personal story segment tonight. out of control celebrity behavior. in my new book america's cultural decline from muffin tops to body shots. i point out the hilarious and signs of our edee not everyone sees us this way. certainly allan colmes. >> great to see you in person. >> the talons are retracted. >> i like the title of this book. >> all i can say is i wore the period costume just because i knew that would be the only way that you would pay attention. >> victorrian. >> you think american culture is just fine, thank you, ma'am.
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>> you sound like my grandparents. >> i bet they were really smart. that is my biggest compliment you can give me. >> they didn't speak english. >> you didn't like your grand parents. >> holmes is saying something negative about people that speak a different language. >> they spoke a dead language. >> i like them even more. >> these kids today with the celebrity. >> so you didn't read the book. >> i didn't read it cover to cover. >> i take myself down in this as much as any one else. out of control stupid parenting tricks. >> what is new about that? what is new about that? >> let me tell you what is new about that. i understand the argument every generation thinks the other generation and i get the argument. it is an interesting one. look at facts and 19 million new std infections occur every year. that is kind of a lot i think. >> oh, my god, people are having sex. >> 10 million of those stds and now we learned some could lead to cancer as we know.
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new std infections are among teens. 10 million out of 19 million. american academy of pediatrics new clinical report on social networking because we know now the average is 7.3 hours screen time. they are worried about the ability of children to read emotions and nuances and be able to talk to each other. i don't think this is a liberallish to conservative issue. screen to screen. are those problems? just answer the question, are those problems. >> of course, it is problems. i don't think it is different generationally. you tell me your book is not liberal versus conservative. >> not really. >> here i am on page 66. >> overall it is not. >> looks like page 666 to me. >> if you believe in the -- at least you believe in the devil. that is progress for you. >> the liberal college slacker protester. >> do we have the graphic up? because this actually epitomizes you. >> here we go, thank you.
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all liberals have a dirty ski cap. >> i saw yours in the green room. it's filthy. since woodstock. >> i had my cleaned for you. >> a soul patch or irregular phasial hair. a woven pullover. >> show your feet. do you have mandals on tonight. >> going against jesus, okay. uneven facial hair. that is a serial killer. that is not a liberal. >> do you think that our culture today is in an upward trajectory or downward? >> i think it is the same stuff. one of the things you talk about in the book is celebrity names. >> there is a child named pilot infector. >> moon zappa. >> that was planetary and cutting edge at the time. >> cutting edge. >> now, here is the thing.
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when we have national fashionista nation. fascination, some of this is just funny. you are the grouch because you don't see the humor in it. >> when you are naming people blanket. number seven, puma and mars. why don't we do eight and adidas. >> what about the '60s and the zappas and cheech & chong. >> do we really want to talk about the '60s because that is when it all started? >> let's look back 20-30 years guy. >> it didn't happen overnight and you are a man of wonderful character. >> you don't know that. that is a vicious lie. >> they told me to say that because they didn't want me to be too mean to you. you read the lyrics that i put in front of you, the chris brown lyrics. do you think you would be working at any media establishment or corporation if you said the lines ever.
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>> the rap lyrics. >> if you said this you would lose your job today. >> this is the rap culture. >> is that a good culture? do you think we should smoke on television. >> i think the rap culture gives vent and voice in ways that are healthy. >> chris brown a healthy in flewence on the culture? >> you will not agree with this. a form of art that i agree is healthy otherwise any would not have that outlet. >> you don't want to hear these words do you because i don't believe alan colmes actually thinks this is art. i don't believe it. i don't believe you think it is art. >> larentlaura, you can extracm my musical genre bad lyrics. >> a long way from style magazine. >> you would beup set about -- >> don't speak arabic to me. great to see you again.
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i think it is great that you have mandal. he is laughing. a funny book. which republican is doing the best job handling the debt debate? ♪ hey, dad, you think i could drive? i'll tell you what -- when we stop to fill it up. ♪ ♪ [ son ] you realize, it's gotta run out sometime. [ male announcer ] jetta tdi clean diesel. the turbo that gets 42 miles per gallon. ♪
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thanks for watching us tonight. i'm laura ingram in for bill o'reilly. in the unresolved problem segment. earlier this week, michele bachmann said there would be no way she would ever vote to raise the debt seal. here is what mitt romney is said. >> capping and a balanced budget. >> with us today, mike huckabee. h huckabee this weekend, can't wait to watch. before we get into romney,
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bachman, colmes thinks the culture is so hunky dorie and you see chris brown given the big platform on nbc today. the culture in decline. >> did allan truly listen to lyrics 30 years ago? things that could never be put on to tape and given to any one is now common place. it is not the same. things that were innuendo. >> morris, come on, babe. light my fire. where are the feminists? >> it is degrading and demeaning to all people to be treating women and objects and things and toys that are disposable and expendable. an insult to every woman. >> a lot of the entertainers might be talented underneath it all but they are debasing
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themselves. they think i will make money this way and what is what the message to kids is. you can make money by stripping it down and slezing it up. something a little less sexy, what what is going on in washington. romney saying cut cap and balance the budget which is what the republicans came out with today. boehner, cantor, mike pence, all of them. what is going on? >> a great campaign theme and all of them need to continue to be on it. there will come a time in which the reality of governing is you may not get all of that that you want simply because the republicans only have the house of representatives. they have got one half of one of three branches of government. if you don't have all of the moving parts you are not going to necessarily get it exactly your way. this is not government by burger king. and they have got to understand that you are probably going to end up getting what is on the men new and they have to find something that the president and the senate will go along with and right now the senate and president don't want to go along with anything. >> the president has the bully
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pull pit. came out and said we need shared sacrifice and the american people 80% of them are with me on the fact that we need revenues and deficit reduction. a code word for tax increases. >> i tau that poll. i don't think that is one that i have seen where 80% of the american people are together on anything not even the weather tomorrow. so the fault that he thinks that 80% of the american people want tax increases, again, that is absurd. >> are the republicans winning the p.r. war? are they turning the p.r. war this their favor with this cut, cap and balancing today? could it be a turning point? >> it could be. just remember all the rhetoric aside, the day that someone doesn't get a social security check, the chair some family drives up to the gates of yellowstone park and can't get in because it is locked that is the day that the republicans are going to pay a heavy political price. and they will. i know it is not fair but life isn't fair and when the media is going to spin this obama's way which they will it will
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make it tough for the republicans to come out on top of this. >> let's go on to what michele bachmann did this week. i guess whoopi goldberg on "the view" said some things mocking this view on conservative values pledge and michele bachmann responds to whoopi goldberg in a fund raising letter saying i'm not going to let the charges of whoopi goldberg stand. >> i think she probably should have let it alone because whoopi goo goldberg is on television five days a week and that is a big platform. she doesn't need to go there and it is not going be in her best interests to fight whoopi goldberg. whoop ppy iwhoopi is not runnir president, barack obama is. keep the focus on obama. >> long reported you and romney don't get along. bad blood from the previous campaign. do you see any one now in this
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campaign who can galvanize all of the different branches of the republican party and put forth a tough and winning campaign against this president? >> there is no candidate and i don't see any on the horizon that causes anybody to say that is the one. no one. >> maybe it is never going to be that way. >> turns out whoever gets the nomination when it comes down to do you like this guy better than obama, oh, yeah. we people talk about romney and me. let me make it clear. mitt romney is the nominee, i'm out there on his team. >> side-by-side campaigning? >> whatever it takes. i think he would be a much better president than barack obama every day and twice on sunday. >> would you be vice president if asked. would you entertain it? >> vice presidency is the job no one ever wants and no one ever turns down. >> palin on the cover of news week says if i run i can beat obama. says no one on the horizon right now really excites her. get in or out at this point. >> then she ought to get in.
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if she is not going to get in but doesn't think that they are good that is a decision she better make quick. >> very, very quick. see you this weekend on huckabee. when we come back, what does hollywood actor rob low think of the antics of his childhood buddy sean penn?
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this may surprise you but not everyone in hollywood is a far left nut. rob low is one actor who moved to the center has he has gotten older and a little wiser. recently he sat down with bill to talk about his best selling book stories i only tell my friends. >> you say in your book that hollywood is a one party town and we all know that. a liberal democrat town. is there a reason for that?
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>> i think that and i don't know what it says. it is not meant to be a judgment but seems to me like creative people end up being democrats and i think it has been that way forever. >> do they feel sorry for the downtrodden? i consider myself a creative person around i'm a traditional guy more than a liberal guy. >> i think that democrats are very long on empathy. artists have to be long on empathy. republicans are long on logic. in my view. >> okay. that might be a little over simplifying. >> i was trying to simplify. >> i think there is a peer pressure kind of thing throughout that when you get into the business is everybody is one way that pretty much you got to go that bay listen, everybody can relate to brogue up at the kitchen table and hearing your parents talk only one view. >> you did work for dukakis when you were 24. >> i did, right. >> he was an okay guy but he was a very liberal guy and got
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his butt kicked as you know. is that because you were working for him, by the way? >> i can pick them. >> one of the fascinating things is a relationship with a guy like sean penn and charlie sheen. two of the most the crazy controversial guys. were they that way as kids growing up? >> that is what makes them great. >> you have to have shirts on when you come in here. >> something happened to them, man. >> sheen is self-destructing. don't you feel bad for him? >> i have a particular perspective. i have known him since he was 13. like talking about one of your true childhood. >> were you close friends with him? >> very close. >> are you still close friends with him. >> we are still friends. >> you kicked the addiction thing. >> 21 years. >> good for you. he seems to embrace that kind of a culture still. do you talk to him about that? >> do i. he is not interested in
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recovery which worked for me and millions of people. >> did it take you to long time to get there where you wanted to be cured? >> i was ready when i was ready and that was my blessing. >> so maybe that will happen to shen. >> he is not ready. >> penn is a left wing guy. he was at the correspondent's dinner and wouldn't put his hand over his heart during the star spanglea ban. sean penn? come on, you're making that up. >> i would never make it up. >> was he that way when was a kid. did he have the antiamerican chip on his shoulder? >> the sean that i know is hilarious and really, really smart and gets the joke and is arguably our best act. >> but intense. a very intense guy when it comes to politics. very far left. >> very, very much occupies that space. >> do you talk politics with penn? >> no. >> that is a good thing, right? don't want to get into that?
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>> i'm a centrist. i don't want to get run over. >> when people read this book, what do you want them to think about you when they read the week? >> make it emblematic of who i am and people can take away what they want. >> have you become more conservative as you get older? >> without a doubt. i am a centrist. my son who is studying politics in high school had me take an online complicated poll. you couldn't have put me more in the middle than where i ended up. i don't know what that says about me. >> the one thing it says about you is that you are very wise not to talk politics with sean penn. thanks for coming in here. good to meet you. >> thank you, you, too. >> pin heads and patriots is next. tonight, featuring a woman who goes nuts in a kentucky courtroom, moments away. to keep in balance after 50, i switched to a complete multivitamin with more. only one a day women's 50+ advantage has ginkgo for memory and concentration, plus support for bone and breast health. a great addition to my routine.
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it took three other people to bring her under control. while she was being led out of the courtroom she was still yelling threats. this is the kind of behavior i cover at length in my new book, "of thee i zing." i'm going to be signing books in denver, los angeles and this is all this weekend. monday, i'll be at the nixon library then on to st. louis. visit laura information about the tour is there. sign up for the daily fix as well. >> you have to check out we only have a few navy seal shirts left. become a premium member and you get one free. if you want information about the miller and o'reilly tour check out that is it for us tonight. thanks for watching. have a great weekend. i'm laura ingraham in for bill


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